“Still Time” is an intriguing film that has captured the attention of movie enthusiasts worldwide. Directed by Alessandro Aronadio and co-written with Renato Sannio, the film boasts a talented ensemble of actors and an impressive team of filmmakers working behind the scenes. In this blog post, we will explore the cast list and the crew of “Still Time,” giving you an insight into the creative minds that brought this cinematic experience to life.
The Cast
- Francesca Cavallin as Francesca Francesca Cavallin takes on the role of Francesca, one of the central characters in the film. Known for her powerful performances, Cavallin is sure to deliver an unforgettable portrayal in “Still Time.”
- Edoardo Leo as Dante Edoardo Leo stars as Dante, another pivotal character in the movie. Leo’s versatile acting skills and captivating screen presence make him the perfect choice for this complex role.
- Andrea Purgatori as Terapeuta Andrea Purgatori plays the role of Terapeuta, adding depth and intrigue to the film’s storyline. With his extensive acting experience, Purgatori is certain to leave a lasting impression on audiences.
- Barbara Ronchi as Alice Barbara Ronchi takes on the role of Alice, showcasing her acting prowess and ability to connect with viewers. Ronchi’s performance in “Still Time” is highly anticipated by fans and critics alike.
- Mario Sgueglia as Valerio Mario Sgueglia stars as Valerio, a character who adds nuance and dimension to the film. Sgueglia’s strong acting skills make him the ideal choice for this integral role.
- Massimo Wertmüller as Marcello Massimo Wertmüller portrays Marcello, bringing his wealth of experience and talent to the table. Wertmüller’s performance is sure to captivate and entertain moviegoers.
The Crew
- Direction and Screenplay “Still Time” is directed and co-written by Alessandro Aronadio, who has collaborated with Renato Sannio to create a compelling and thought-provoking script.
- Producers The film is produced by Carlo Degli Esposti, Riccardo Russo, and Nicola Serra, with executive producers Jamie Hilton, Michael Pontin, and Piergiuseppe Serra. Cristina Tacchino serves as the line producer, ensuring that the production runs smoothly.
- Music Santi Pulvirenti composes the film’s original score, adding emotion and depth to the cinematic experience.
- Cinematography Roberto Forza is the cinematographer for “Still Time,” responsible for capturing the film’s stunning visuals and creating its unique atmosphere.
- Film Editing Roberto Di Tanna is the film editor, skillfully piecing together the story and ensuring that the narrative flows seamlessly.
- Casting Gabriella Giannattasio and Davide Zurolo are the casting directors for “Still Time,” responsible for bringing together the talented ensemble of actors that make up the film’s cast.
“Still Time” promises to be an engaging and powerful film, thanks to the combined efforts of its talented cast and dedicated crew. With a captivating story, strong performances, and skilled filmmaking, this movie is sure to make an impact on audiences worldwide. Keep an eye out for “Still Time” as it makes its way to theaters and streaming platforms.